Christopher J. Persaud

Research Scientist, Sociotechnical Systems group


Christopher J. Persaud is a Research Scientist within the Sociotechnical Systems group at Intel Labs. His research agenda includes cultural production and content creators on the Internet; the social and cultural dimensions of AI; gender, sexuality, and digital intimacies; and new and emerging media cultures.

He received his PhD from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, where he also completed graduate certificates in Science and Technology Studies and Visual Studies. His dissertation focused on how queer sexual content creators and artists 1) engage in media and cultural production shaped by race, gender, and sexuality and 2) make sense of and respond to content moderation, algorithmic filtering, financial governance, and other sociotechnical systems that mediate their participation in digital social life.

Christopher has presented at the annual meetings of the Association of Internet Researchers, International Communication Association, American Sociological Association, and Queerness and Games Conference, among others. His work has been published in the International Journal of Communication, Social Media + Society, New Media & Society, and First Monday, among other venues. He is co-editor of Real Life in Real Time: Live Streaming Culture (MIT Press).

Prior to graduate school, Christopher worked as a research assistant for the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England, held undergraduate summer research fellowships at Harvard University in the Sociology and History of Science departments, and worked on the LGBTQ Video Game Archive project. He received his BA in Sociology and French with a minor in LGBT Studies from Temple University.



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