Peer-reviewed Selly Djap Peer-reviewed Selly Djap

The ‘Comadre’ Project

An Asset-Based Design Approach to Connecting Low-Income Latinx Families to Out-of-School Learning Opportunities

Alexander Cho, Roxana G. Herrera, Luis Chaidez and Adilene Uriostegui

May 2019 • Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 607:1-14

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Book Selly Djap Book Selly Djap

The Digital Edge

How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality

S. Craig Watkins, Alexander Cho, Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Vivian Shaw, Jacqueline Ryan Vickery, Lauren Weinzimmer

Dec 2018 • NYU Press

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