Tara Pixley

Assistant Professor, Journalism


Tara Pixley is an Assistant Professor of Journalism at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. As a scholar of documentary media, her research interests include journalism studies, visual culture and critical race, gender and queer theory, particularly as it relates to re-visioning oppressed populations in the digital new(s) media sphere.

She is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker and photographer who co-founded Reclaim Photo and Authority Collective — two organizations dedicated to de-colonizing visual media industry and individual practices. Her film and photographic work intersects with her scholarship, each addressing the problematics of representation and the possibility of contemporary visual media to reimagine historically misrepresented/underrepresented communities.

Dr. Pixley’s published work appears in Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies & Research; Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly; Nieman Reports; Newsweek; New York Times; ProPublica; PhotoVoice; PDN Magazine and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. She is currently working on a monograph chronicling the move toward equity and inclusion in the visual journalism industry and how these movements have harnessed Instagram to do so.

Selected Publication

Media Appearance


Minh-Ha T. Pham


Julian Posada