Yena Lee

Doctoral Student, Media, Technology & Society


Yena Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in the Media, Technology, and Society program at Northwestern School of Communication. She is interested in studying the emerging forms and grammars of networked political citizenship, specifically how political influencers/content creators are making talk part of their political citizenship and a means to power. Her research published in Information, Communication & Society looks at the role of leadership in feminist networked social movements in South Korea. Her research in the International Journal of Communication analyzes how feminist K-pop fans on Twitter challenged and transformed toxic relational norms of the mainstream K-pop fandom. She is an interdisicplinary scholar fascinated in studying relationships that create “ties that bind,” motivating others to take responsibility for others’ well-being. Writing is fundamentally a social process, and she is excited to cultivate a motivating and supporting space for fellow graduate students at the Writing Place.



S. Heijin Lee


Amber M. Alton