André Brock
Associate Professor, Literature, Media & Communication
André Brock is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Georgia Tech. His scholarship examines racial representations in social media, videogames, black women and weblogs, whiteness, and technoculture, including innovative and groundbreaking research on Black Twitter. His NYU Press book titled *Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures* was published in February 2020, offering insights to understanding Black everyday lives mediated by networked technologies.
His article “From the Blackhand Side: Twitter as a Cultural Conversation” challenged social science and communication research to confront the ways in which the field, in his words, preserved “a color-blind perspective on online endeavors by normalizing Whiteness and othering everyone else” and sparked a conversation that continues, as Twitter in particular continues to evolve as a communication platform. He has also authored influential research on digital methods, gaming, blogging, and online identity.
Apr 2021 • Received sub-grant from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the University of Michigan to create the Project on Rhetoric of Equity, Access, Computation, and Humanities (PREACH) Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology