Lisa Nakamura

Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor, American Culture
Director, Digital Studies Institute


Lisa Nakamura is the Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor in the Department of American Cultures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is a member of the DISCO (Digital Inquiry, Speculation, Collaboration, and Optimism) Network along with André Brock, Stephanie Dinkins, Rayvon Fouché, Catherine Knight Steele, and Remi Yergeau. Nakamura is also the founding Director of the Digital Studies Institute at the University of Michigan and I’ve been writing about digital media, race, and gender since 1994. She has written books and articles on digital bodies, race, and gender in online environments, on toxicity in video game culture, and the many reasons that Internet research needs ethnic and gender studies.

In November 2019 she gave a TED NYC talk about my research called “The Internet is a Trash Fire. Here’s How to Fix It.

Selected Publication

Media Appearance


Job Mwaura


Alondra Nelson